I am an independent analyst who writes about investment ideas that like minded investors can research further.

I write about investment opportunities from around the world, covering stocks that I believe are undervalued by the market. My reports contain my best and most recent investment ideas. They usually cover long-only specific investments in liquid stocks. Every so often I introduce an alternative investment or a short opportunity.

I have an engineering background and spent the majority of my career doing data analysis. After earning my degree in Computer Science, I went on to apply my expertise across multiple industries, building ML models and complex systems for trading firms, financial management software vendors and the capital markets sector.

I use a variety of proprietary tools and algorithms to crawl through a vast amount of financial statements, screen stocks and build financial models. Data analytics tools and dimensionality-reduction techniques such as Principal Component Analysis, are often deployed to identify uncorrelated factors and enhance my portfolio diversification. Where applicable, I backtest my strategies using open-source backtesting frameworks.

Having an investor checklist and automating tasks, ensures that I maintain a systematic and emotionless decision-making process that helps me address the critical elements that result in a good investment. It also saves me a lot of time. Time that I spent reading and analysing financial statements.

I strictly avoid making ideological decisions, like ESG-Investing, and follow a rational and often contrarian approach that maximises my utility.

Having these tools at my exposure is helpful and it enhances the research process, but at the end of the day nothing beats experience and lessons learned from past mistakes.